As soon as the requests are loaded on the scheduling page, they are marked with the Status"NEW" in the status column.
When the engine is launched , only the requests marked as Status "NEW" and selected are considered and scheduled.
Scheduling versus Requests Priorities
The engine first considers the requests with the [Priority] "HIGH". and schedule them.
Then the requests with the [Priority] "MEDIUM " are considered and finally the requests with the priority [Priority] "LOW" are scheduled.
Scheduling versus Requests Status
The first step is for the engine to identify the requests to be processed and automatically update their status as [status] "IN PROGRESS.
As soon as the engine has completed the planning process, the status of the requests is updated to [status] "COMPLETE".
Then the corresponding tests are scheduled and visible as tasks. the scheduled tasks can be reviewed from the menu Tasks Views
When the engine process is launched, the status of the processed requests is changed to “IN PROGRESS”.
This is changed automatically by the system to indicate the temporary status
When the scheduling process is completed, the status of the requests is changed to “COMPLETE”, if the activities are correctly scheduled, or “ERROR”, if the scheduling process has encountered errors during the scheduling
[Status]"ERROR" is displayed if the engine cannot find a way to schedule the tests of the requests.
Bulk Edit before launching
There is an ultimate possibility to edit the request to be scheduled through a popup message window configured to shows up first when launching the engine.
From this popup window, a new Start Date and / or a specific instrument (s) can be assigned manually to the selected requests
You can select one or more lines that may contain different tests.
Choose the compatible instrument for all the tests selected!
If the tests do not have a common instrument that can be selected, the system automatically displays an error message.
The tickbox “Check instrument parameters” indicates if the engine should check the instrument parameters and verify if the selection of the instrument is correct based on the test configuration and corresponding instrument parameters.
If not selected, the engine will schedule with the instrument selected irrespectively of the corresponding parameters of this instrsment.
Configuring the Pop Up Message Window
The Pop-up window can be configured to be displayed or not, with the option for the start date and/or the instrument.
The configuration is done via the Settings menu, System parameters
The three lines below must be marked with YES ( Y) so that they are all displayed.
- Allow manual selection of engine parameters: if selected NO (N). no popup message window will be shown
- Allow manual selection of scheduled instrument
- Allow manual selection of scheduling start date