This page allows to work on the settings of the reports, for them to obtain meaningful pieces of information when reports are generated
In this area, Instrument Reporting Groups can be defined. Instrument reporting groups can be the same as instrument groups or they can differ, based on the business needs and the reporting objectives.
Instrument reporting groups can be created to collect instrument groups based on specific characteristics (eg. group of instruments that require frequent maintenance; group of instruments that require the usage of high voltage; use of costly instruments, etc..). As many instrument reporting groups as needed can be created, by clicking on the Create button.
By clicking on the Edit icon, instrument reporting groups can be edited or deleted if needed.
This page allows to associate the
Instruments groups to the Instrument Reporting Group Name previously created.
To create a new record in the matrix, click on Create Button. Select the instrument reporting group and the instrument group to be associated. One instrument group at the time can be associated to the reporting group. If there is more than one instrument group to be associated to a specific instrument reporting group, create additional rows (one row per item, as per image above).
By clicking on the Edit icon, instrument reporting matrix can be edited or deleted if needed.
The system offers a wide range of actions that can be put in place by the user to generate interactive reports or specific views of instrument reporting groups and matrix. To get to know more about the functionalities available and the reports and views that can be generated via the "action" menu items, go to "How to use the action menu" article.