How to work with the Report "Instrument allocation"
With this report you can get an overview of the allocation of the instruments and find out how much they have been used over a certain period of time, how much they have been booked and what their availability is.
In this way you can identify any overbooking of an instrument and reschedule tasks accordingly, either to another date or to another instrument if available.
there 3 ways to view the outcome of this report page
In order to generate a report, indicate the timeframe of interest, the task type, the instrument group and the instruments to get the data for.
By clicking on Prepare Data button first, and Run Report button right after, the engine starts working and it generates the report.
This report allows to generate useful information and data related to the usage of instruments per project.
Use the action button to sort the data
Data can be sorted, filtered, charts and pivot table can be created.
The example below shows the duration of all tasks scheduled per each project, associated to the related instrument.
The system offers a wide range of actions that can be put in place by the user to generate interactive reports or specific views. To get to know more about the functionalities available and the reports and views that can be generated via the "action" menu items, go to
"How to use the action menu" article.
In this menu, you can see the allocated instruments, selected by time.
Use the action button to sort the data
The system offers a wide range of actions that can be put in place by the user to generate interactive reports or specific views. To get to know more about the functionalities available and the reports and views that can be generated via the "action" menu items, go to
"How to use the action menu" article.