The two sections below give a view of how the system Optima is used by all users allocated to a specific location.
This section allows to view the user's activities on Optima at the different hours of the day, based on a defined timeframe.
By using the menu Actions, data can be sorted, filtered, charts can be created and reports can be saved. The example below shows a pie chart related to the page views per single user.
In this section it is possible to select a specific timeframe (ranging from 15 minutes to 4 weeks) to get information on all pages viewed, and when, by the users. Info can be filtered, sorted, charts can be created, reports can be generated.
The example below shows a pie chart related to the page views and the time on each page.
The system offers a wide range of actions that can be put in place by the user to generate interactive reports or specific views. To get to know more about the functionalities available and the reports and views that can be generated via the "action" menu items, go to
"How to use the action menu" article.